venerdì 28 giugno 2019

Violenza delle donne sugli uomini. Legiferano due Länder tedeschi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Fossa dei Serpenti

Stando ai media che se ne fanno cassa di risonanza, nei casi di violenza domestica le vittime sarebbero invariabilmente le femmine. Questo atteggiamento mentale di tipo ideologico pervade la magistratura e condiziona pesantemente gli indirizzi delle sentenze.

Tuttavia, i rilevamenti sperimentali attestano delle realtà totalmente differenti.

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Una sostanziale parità nel numero di violenze fisiche perpetrate da maschi su femmine o da femmine su maschi è accertata da un gran numero di pubblicazioni cliniche e di medicina legale, delle quali ne riportiamo solo alcune.

– Arias I., Prevalence and correlates of physical aggression during courtship, in Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 5, nº 1.

– L.P. Rouse et al., Abuse in intimate relationships. A comparison of married and dating college students, in Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 3, pp. 414-429.

– McNeely RL et al., Is domestic violence a gender issue, or a human issue? (PDF), in Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2001, pp. 227–251.

– Ko Ling Chan, Gender Symmetry in the Self-Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence, in Journal of interpersonal violence, vol. 27, 13 settembre 2011, pp. 263–86.

– M. Fiebert, References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners: An Updated Annotated Bibliography (PDF), in Sexuality & Culture, vol. 18, pp. 405-467.

Né si pensi che lo stalking sia appannaggio maschile: è semplicemente l’opposto.

– G. Marcon, Il reato come fenomeno relazionale, Edizioni, 2016, ISBN 978-88-6292-706-2

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Secondo diversi studi, sussiste anche una disparità nel trattamento giudiziario basata sul sesso a danno degli uomini.

I maschi ricevono condanne del 63% più severe di quelle comminate alle femmine, che solo raramente sono rinviate  a giudizio.

– Sonja B. Starr, Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases, in American Law and Economics Review, vol. 17, nº 1, pp. 127-157.


Nel caso di condanne penali i maschi devono mediamente scontare 12 anni più delle femmine.

– Zingraff M., Thompson R., Differential Sentencing of Women and Men in the USA, in International Journal of the Sociology of Law, nº 12, 1984, pp. 401-412.

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Il Bundeskriminalamt ha pubblicato il report

Part­ner­schafts­ge­walt – Kri­mi­nal­sta­tis­ti­sche Aus­wer­tung – Be­richts­jahr 2017

«For the first time ever, two German states are launching an initiative to help male victims of domestic violence»

«Officials in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia say they want to break the taboos surrounding the topic»

«The first pillar of the initiative would include a hotline and an online counseling platform for victims»

«The second pillar would see constructions of safe houses and counseling centers»

«Finally, the authorities aim to make the subject of violence against men “visible” and “break the taboo” surrounding it»

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Mutato, almeno parzialmente, il clima politico, alcuni miti contemporanei iniziano a crollare.

Uno di questi è il mito che nell’ambiente familiare siano esclusivamente i maschi che esercitino violenze fisiche sulle femmine, facendole così diventare delle povere vittime innocenti ed indifese.

Già chiunque avesse voluto consultare le pubblicazioni scientifiche ed i report statistici in proposito non avrebbe incontrato difficoltà alcuna: ogni ragionevole biblioteca universitaria ne dispone.

Ma l’ideologia politica vissuta come credo religioso ottunde la percezione del reale e forza in maniera compulsiva la mente a credere che sia vero ciò che farebbe piacere che lo fosse.

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Ma non tutti i casi sembrerebbero essere risolvibili nei termini puramente ideologici.

Una larga quantità di femmine approfitta del fatto che i tribunali di parte assumono la loro denuncia come se il fatto fosse davvero accaduto al solo fine di ottenere una compensazione economica. È dolorosamente triste leggere la lunga serie di sentenze emesse da giudici, per la maggior quota femmine, che hanno assunto essere realmente accaduti fatti non comprovati.

Deutsche Welle. 2019-06-19. Domestic violence against men – German states move to break taboos

For the first time ever, two German states are launching an initiative to help male victims of domestic violence. Officials in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia say they want to break the taboos surrounding the topic.

A three-pillar program to help men suffering from domestic violence was unveiled by the German states of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) on Tuesday.

The first pillar of the initiative would include a hotline and an online counseling platform for victims. The second pillar would see constructions of safe houses and counseling centers. Finally, the authorities aim to make the subject of violence against men “visible” and “break the taboo” surrounding it.

For many years, authorities in Germany and elsewhere have been working on measures to curb violence between couples. Most of the measures, however, focus on violence committed by males against their female partners. While men also suffer violence at home, many are reluctant to report it for fear of being seen as weak or being disbelieved.

“Men are also targeted by domestic violence,” Bavarian social minister Kerstin Schreyer and her NRW counterpart Ina Scharrenbach said in a joint statement. “Until now, there was hardly any help or support structures. There are possibilities to cooperate across state borders, most of all in creating a hotline and in the area of online counseling.”

Setting the trend for Germany

The initiative announced on Tuesday marks the first time German authorities are launching a program of this kind to protect male victims. Both NRW and Bavaria said they would welcome other states taking part in the effort.

Bavarian Minister for Family, Work, and Social Affairs Kerstin Schreyer said the plan to combat the problem is part of a comprehensive concept for protection against violence.

“To me it is important that everybody who needs help finds someone to talk to about their problem,” Schreyer added. “That is why I am especially glad that we are pulling together with NRW and setting the trend for all of Germany.”

The NRW representative, Ina Scharrenbach, said the northwestern state is preparing an action plan to fight violence against “boys, men and (L)GBTTI individuals,” which is to be presented to state lawmakers in 2021.

Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) compiles statistics on domestic violence each year. According to the 2018 report based on findings collected for 2017, 17.9% of victims of intimate-partner violence were men. This means, of the 127,236 victims who reported cases of assault, rape, attempted murder and deprivation of liberty, 23,872 were men. However, the BKA notes that the actual number may be higher, as men may be too ashamed to report the crime.

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