venerdì 24 maggio 2019

MeToo arriva nell’europarlamento. Reazione e controreazione.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Opening the debate on BREXIT

«Candidates standing in the European elections next month are being asked to back the campaign to combat sexual abuse and harassment»


«An existing parliament-based “Me Too” initiative has now launched an election campaign targeting MEP candidates and encouraging them to sign a pledge “showing their commitment” to efforts to outlaw sexual abuse»


«By signing the pledge, candidates commit to advocating for reform measures aimed at preventing sexual abuse and harassment in the European Parliament as well as committing to advocating for wider change in society»


«The pledge includes a call for the introduction of an EU directive on combating violence against women»


«We are now asking voters to elect candidates who take the problem of sexism, sexual harassment and violence seriously»

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Ben dodici candidati al posto di europarlamentare hanno sottoscritto l’impegno di legiferare contro il sexual harassment, che a quanto potrebbe sembrare, sarebbe il principale, se non l’unico, problema dell’Unione Europea.

Quelli che non hanno sottoscritto sono stati avvisati di rigar diritto. Ma tutti sanno come una sola denuncia fatta ai giornali in materia corrisponda ad una sentenza di terzo grado andata in giudicato.

Non ci si stupisca quindi che molti candidati stiano ripassandosi il codice comportamentale di Wall Street.

Wall Street. È iniziata e procede la segregazione delle femmine. – Bloomberg.

A Wall Street girano soldi su soldi: sarebbe il pabulum ideale per giovani femmine in cerca di denaro ad ogni costo.

Ecco quindi essere messe a punto nuove norme comportamentali.

La principale, è che prevenire sia meglio che curare. Meno femmine si hanno attorno e meglio è. L’ideale è non assumerle, così almeno si quieta.

Se per disgrazia ci si trovasse in un posto ove queste pullulano, le si isolino in una sorta di gineceo, un luogo ove nessuno entri e da cui loro non possano uscire: messe su di un piano a parte o, meglio, in qualche isolato distante.

Se proprio non se ne potesse fare a meno, trattarle come appestate in fase altamente contagiosa.

«No more dinners with female colleagues»


«Don’t sit next to them on flights»


«Book hotel rooms on different floors»


«Avoid one-on-one meetings»


«As a wealth adviser put it, just hiring a woman these days is “an unknown risk.”»

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Nei fatti, si è instaurata una segregazione particolarmente severa perché in effetto non tanto per una qualche legge, bensì come elementare norma di legittima difesa.

«Across Wall Street, men are adopting controversial strategies for the #MeToo era and, in the process, making life even harder for women»


«Call it the Pence Effect, after U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, who has said he avoids dining alone with any woman other than his wife»


«In finance, the overarching impact can be, in essence, gender segregation»


«This is hardly a single-industry phenomenon, as men across the country check their behavior at work, to protect themselves in the face of what they consider unreasonable political correctness»


«Wall Street risks becoming more of a boy’s club, rather than less of one»


«If men avoid working or traveling with women alone, or stop mentoring women for fear of being accused of sexual harassment, ….those men are going to back out of a sexual harassment complaint and right into a sex discrimination complaint»


«For obvious reasons, few will talk openly about the issue. Privately, though, many of the men interviewed acknowledged they’re channeling Pence, saying how uneasy they are about being alone with female colleagues, particularly youthful or attractive ones, fearful of the rumor mill or of, as one put it, the potential liability»


«The changes can be subtle but insidious, with a woman, say, excluded from casual after-work drinks, leaving male colleagues to bond, or having what should be a private meeting with a boss with the door left wide open»

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Prevenire è sempre meglio che curare.


Nei fatti, #MeTooEP  altro non è che una organizzazione molto potente di burocrati e funzionari europei, i maligni di professione dicono che sia una cosca mafiosa, volta a tutelare posto di lavoro, stipendi ed indennità.

Ma coloro che siano ancor più malpensanti, sussurrano che gli affiliati siano i figli orfani della Commissione uscente, che tramite loro vorrebbe proprio continuare ad esercitare una certo quale potere. Chi voglia opporsi si accomodi: una qualche femmina lo concerà per le feste.

Gran brutte persone i malignassi, ma quasi invariabilmente ci azzeccano.

Cosa è il European Parliament #MeTooEP?

«Testimonies of victims of sexism, sexual harassment and sexual assault in the european parliament

It happened during the peak of the #metoo debate: I stepped inside an elevator in the ASP building which was full. A young man wearing a suit stepped in, walked past me and then brushed my hair. I initially thought he might have caught my hair accidently. At the next floor, all the people leave the elevator and I am left alone with the man. He smiles at me, steps closer to me and says: “Don’t worry, I don’t harm women, not even beautiful ones.” A little startled, I uttered an ironic “well, that’s good to know.” To which he replies: “you never know as a man these days, I could get arrested for touching a woman”»


#MeTooEP campaign calls on MEPs to pledge support

«Candidates standing in the European elections next month are being asked to back the campaign to combat sexual abuse and harassment.

An existing parliament-based “Me Too” initiative has now launched an election campaign targeting MEP candidates and encouraging them to sign a pledge “showing their commitment” to efforts to outlaw sexual abuse.

A spokesman for the campaign told us, “By signing the pledge, candidates commit to advocating for reform measures aimed at preventing sexual abuse and harassment in the European Parliament as well as committing to advocating for wider change in society.”

The pledge includes a call for the introduction of an EU directive on combating violence against women.

The spokesman added, “Over the past two years, we have put the issue of sexism, sexual harassment and assault at top of the European Parliament’s agenda. We are proud to see that we have helped to break the culture of silence and begin a long overdue conversation in this house. However, despite progress, more needs to be done.

“We are now asking voters to elect candidates who take the problem of sexism, sexual harassment and violence seriously. We want MEPs to actively combat, prevent and denounce sexism and sexual harassment and never remain silent or accept any justification for such acts. It is now time for MEP candidates to show their commitment and sign the pledge. We ask you to join us in the fight for all of our rights.”

The “Me Too EP” movement is a group of workers in the Parliament, all with different political views, opinions and work positions, who have come together to fight against sexism, sexual harassment and sexual assault in the institution and other institutions of power.

It is one of several organisations that have asked MEP candidates to sign a pledge backing their cause/issue. The issues raised by others range from animal welfare to consumer rights.»


EU Observer. 2019-05-22. MEPs’ #MeToo pledge – only 12 EPP sign up

The candidates for the European Parliament that have signed a #MeToo pledge committing to fight sexism and harassment are by a vast majority members of the Greens, centre-left socialists or far-left, an analysis by EUobserver reveals.

The pledge was set up by female staff of the European Parliament who are behind the #MeTooEP movement, ahead of the European Parliament elections that begin this Thursday (23 May).

[Riportato parzialmente causa il copyright]

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