domenica 5 maggio 2019

Meno della metà vuole restare nell’EU in UK, Rep Ceck ed Italia.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Eurobarometer è organo dell’Unione Europea. Pubblica periodicamente dei report di indagini statistiche.

La Tabella riportata fornisce una inequivocabile radiografia dello stato dell’Unione.

Alla domanda “la mia voce conta nell’Unione Europea?” solo il 51% degli intervistati ha risposto in modo affermativo.

In ben tredici stati le risposte affermative sono di gran lunga minori: Ungheria (46%), Bulgaria (46%), Portogallo (43%), Spagna (42%), Romania (39%),  Lituania (32%), Regno Unito (31%), Lettonia (27%), Italia (26%), Cipro (24%), Repubblica Ceka (22%), Estonia (22%), e Grecia (22%).

Sono ben tredici su ventotto le nazioni che si sentono tagliate fuori dall’Unione Europea.

Sono in prevalenza gli stati dell’ex est europeo.

Però, si badi bene, anche loro votano in seno al Consiglio Europeo, condizionandone le decisioni.

Ci si ragioni sopra bene, con cura. Sicuramente non sono la maggioranza, ma nel contempo sono una minoranza della quale sarebbe impossibile non tenerne conto.


Dal Report riportato a seguito emerge sostanzialmente come l’idea di un’Europa Unita non sia sgradito, mentre ben poco gradito è stato il comportamento della Commissione Europea.

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Eurobarometer ha rilasciato un simpatico studio sull’Unione Europea.

«68% of respondents across the EU27 believe that their countries have benefited from being part of the EU. On the other hand, more Europeans (27%) are uncertain and see the EU as ‘neither a good thing nor a bad thing’ – an increase in 19 countries. ….

Despite the overall positive attitude towards the EU but in line with the uncertainty expressed by a growing number of Europeans, the feeling that things are not going in the right direction in both the EU and in their own countries, has increased to now 50% on EU average over the past six months since the last Parlemeter 2018  ….

Focussing on the past and future role of the European Parliament, the largest group of respondents (41%) believe that the European Parliament’s role has stayed the same over the years ….

In the run-up to the European elections, half of the respondents (51%) say that their voice counts in the EU, with big differences between national results. ….

Asked about which issues they find most relevant for the election campaign, respondents have put economy and growth as well as the fight against unemployment at the front and centre of their expectations. …. Migration and the fight against terrorism are losing ground in the citizens’ ranking of priorities ….

One third of citizens of voting age are considering not to participate in the European elections. Their main reason for abstaining is given as the belief that their vote would not change anything ….

Looking from an age perspective, the youngest age group (15-24) has again the highest scores in supporting EU membership. 68% of young citizens at EU level express a positive view, compared to only 60% of European respondents aged 55 or more ….

In France on the other hand only 59% see their country as having benefitted from EU Membership, a minus of 5 points leading to the same increase for ‘has not benefited’. In Croatia and Ireland, the results for ‘benefitted’ decrease by 4 points to respectively 62% and 88%, while Austria loses 3 points to 57%. ….

A vote to remain reflects the opinion of a majority of respondents throughout the European Union. In 25 Member States an absolute majority of respondents hold this view, led by citizens from the Netherlands (86%), Ireland and Luxembourg (both 83%), Sweden (81%) and Germany (80%), where four out of five or more would vote in favour of remaining in the EU. relative majority in favour of remaining can be found in Italy (49%), Czechia (47%) and among UK respondents (45%, -8 points). Yet while in the UK 37% (+2) of respondents would vote to leave Again, it is interesting to look for similar patterns between countries’ replies on the issue of remaining in the European Union and their citizens’ attitudes about being part of the EU. For the purpose of this exercise, data is compared for France, Greece, Czechia and Italy, where about one respondent in five would vote to leave the EU: 24% in Czechia, 21% in France and Greece as well as 19% in Italy ….

most Europeans believe that things have not been going in the right direction over the past 6 months, neither in the EU nor in their own country ….

Nine Member States show a negative development for both indicators by finding increasingly that the situation is not going in the right way both in the EU and in their own country ….

While in France 66% (+7pp) believe that things are not going in the right direction in the EU, this attitude increases to 77% (+16pp) for the course of things at a national level ….

61% of European citizens would agree that the rise of protest parties is a matter of concern. ….

In Czechia and Denmark a majority of the population asks for a less important role for this European institution (49% and 35% respectively); also in the United Kingdom public opinion mostly backs a European Parliament with less power (42%).»

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