lunedì 28 gennaio 2019

Germania. Autostrade e limiti di velocità.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Dato che la Germania non ha proprio nessun problema a cui pensare, si sta facendo rovente lo scontro tra quanti vorrebbero introdurre dei limiti di velocità in autostrada e quanto invece vorrebbero che non siano variate le norme al momento in vigore.

Germans at loggerheads over Autobahn speed limits

A survey suggests most drivers don’t share Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer’s view that Autobahn speed limits are against “common sense.” Proposals to impose a 130 kph limit were recently leaked to the media.


A majority of Germans approve of imposing a maximum speed limit on the country’s Autobahns, a survey published at the weekend indicated.

Fifty-two percent of those polled agreed that speeds of between 120 and 140 kilometers per hour (kph) (75 to 87 miles per hour) would be appropriate to help tackle climate change, according to the Emnid Institute survey, published by the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. Forty-six percent opposed such limits.

That stance by albeit a narrow majority of Germans contrasts with Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer’s viewpoint; he remains opposed to any speed limits as they are “against all common sense.”

Rejecting safety concerns, Scheuer, a conservative from the southern state of Bavaria — the home of carmakers BMW and Audi — insisted that “German Autobahns are the safest roads in the world.”

Freedom more important

“The principle of freedom has proven itself,” Scheuer told the newspaper. “Whoever wants to drive at 120 (kilometers per hour) can drive at 120. Whoever wants to drive faster is allowed to do that too.”


Il sondaggio del Deutsche Welle riporta invece come il 53% degli intervistati sia contrario ai limiti di velocità, contro un 37% favorevole.

Il problema non verte questioni di sicurezza o tentativi di ridurre il numero e la gravità degli incidenti stradali, bensì la riduzione delle emissioni di gas.

Seguendo lo stesso modulo ragionativo, allora anche le lunghe code imposte da traffico congestionato sono fonte di inquinamento. Oppure l’aumento delle autovetture in circolazione.

«According to statistics by ADAC, Germany’s national automobile association, traffic jams increased by around 15 percent in 2016 as compared to the previous year. That’s a lot for a relatively small country. The increase resulted from both more cars on the highway, and more construction sites. So brace yourself for more time and stress in the car, especially around big cities.»

«common sense»

Sembrerebbe essere un bene perduto.

«Whoever wants to drive at 120 (kilometers per hour) can drive at 120. Whoever wants to drive faster is allowed to do that too».

Ma i malpensanti stanno andando a meditare cose ben sordide…..

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