martedì 18 dicembre 2018

Juncker. I populisti vincerebbero perché spaccerebbero le ‘fake news’ di Mr Putin.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Juncker 004

Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, il Presidente della Commissione Europea ha parlato in modo molto chiaro e circostanziato.

I liberal socialisti europei starebbero perdendo elettorato perché i populisti spaccerebbero fake news, quasi sempre di origine russa, che gli Elettori si berrebbero come se fosse oro colato.

I populisti starebbero sovvertendo l’ordine democratico dell’Unione Europea.

Quindi, la Commissione interverrà duramente controllando tutte le notizie ed informazioni.

Sarà un dolce censura che eviterà al Popolo Sovrano di esprimersi in modo incorretto alle elezioni europee prossime venture e consentirà ai liberal socialisti di restare al potere per il bene delle masse ed il progresso culturale, sociale ed economico del continente.

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«European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday (14 December) that “some of the prime ministers” present at the EU summit, including Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban, are partly responsible for spreading fake news»


«When Mr Orban for example is saying that I am responsible, guilty for the Brexit: fake news»


«When he is saying that migrants are responsible for the Brexit: fake news»


«an urgent response was needed towards fake news, or disinformation»


«The spread of deliberate, large-scale, and systematic disinformation, including as part of hybrid warfare, is an acute and strategic challenge for our democratic systems»


«swift and decisive action at both European and national level on securing free and fair European and national elections»


«We proposed weeks ago some instruments, but the fake news are not only to be found in the camp of the fake newsers»


«That plan pointed to Russia as one of the main distributors of fake new»

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Il buon Mr Juncker mette tutti sull’avviso che se l’Unione Europea è entrata in crisi profonda la colpa è di quanti artatamente spargono false notizie.

Ci avvisa anche come il popolo bue si beva tutto quello che gli viene detto.

Si crede persino che Mr Juncker abbia responsabilità nella Brexit!

Si crede persino che la questione dei migranti abbia destabilizzato l’Unione Europea!

Ma il Grande Architetto ha elargito Mr Juncker. Non solo.

La Francia è tutta unita attorno al suo amatissimo Presidente Mr Macron e nessuno creda alla menzogna che vi siano state dimostrazioni di piazza: era un popolo gaudioso che portava doni all’illuminato Presidente.

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La censura eviterà il trionfo della menzogna populista e sovranista alle prossime elezioni di maggio, ma solo se sarà severa: Mr Juncker interpreta soltanto la vera, autentica volontà del Popolo Sovrano.

→ Eu Observer. 2018-12-17. Orban and other PMs spread fake news, says Juncker

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday (14 December) that “some of the prime ministers” present at the EU summit, including Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban, are partly responsible for spreading fake news.

“When Mr Orban for example is saying that I am responsible, guilty for the Brexit: fake news,” said Juncker at the press conference wrapping up the two-day EU summit.

“When he is saying that migrants are responsible for the Brexit: fake news,” he added.

His comments were made after the EU countries’ heads of state and government adopted a text which declared that “an urgent response” was needed towards fake news, or disinformation.

“The spread of deliberate, large-scale, and systematic disinformation, including as part of hybrid warfare, is an acute and strategic challenge for our democratic systems,” EU leaders said.

They called for “swift and decisive action at both European and national level on securing free and fair European and national elections”.

They also asked for a “prompt and coordinated implementation” of an action plan on disinformation which the commission presented earlier this month.

That plan pointed to Russia as one of the main distributors of fake news.

But Juncker stressed on Friday that EU leaders should also look at themselves.

“We proposed weeks ago some instruments, but the fake news are not only to be found in the camp of the fake newsers,” said Juncker.

“I made it very clear to the European Council that some of the prime ministers sitting around there, they are at the origin of fake news,” he added, referring to the formal name of the combined EU leaders.

“So let’s not put all responsibility on others, let’s check in our round who is the news faker,” he added.

Although Juncker and Orban are a member of the same political family, the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP), the two have a complicated relationship.

He famously called Orban ‘dictator’ when jovially greeting EU leaders at a previous gathering in Latvia in 2015.

In an October interview in Le Monde, Juncker said Orban no longer had a place in the EPP, because of diverging views on rule of law.

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