domenica 2 dicembre 2018

Bulgaria. Un paese Nato armato con aerei russi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



«Living standards can be compared by measuring the price of a range of goods and services in each country relative to income, using a common notional currency called the purchasing power standard (PPS). Comparing GDP per inhabitant in PPS provides an overview of living standards across the EU.» []

La Bulgaria è stato membro del North Atlantic Treaty Organization Nato, così come dal 1° gennaio 2007 è stato membro dell’Unione Europea.

Questa alleanza militare coordina la difesa di 29 stati con una spesa nell’anno 2017 di 946 miliardi di dollari americani.

«Between 1999 and 2017 NATO incorporated the following Central and Eastern European countries, including several former communist states: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia and Montenegro»

Ogni alleanza difensiva si fonda sul presupposto che vi possano essere aggressioni militari condotte da stati terzi: nel caso specifico le uniche due realtà esistenti al mondo in grado di poter nutrire simili ambizioni potrebbero essere la Russia e la Cina.


Se è vero che lo scenario peggiore sia una guerra termonucleare, sarebbe altrettanto vero razionalizzare come le operazioni convenzionali siano state in passato il principale impiego della Nato. La devoluzione jugoslava il conflitto in Afganistan in Iraq e quello in Libia ne sono testimonianza.

Come conseguenza, gli armamenti convenzionali sono del massimo interesse ed importanza.

La Bulgaria ha problemi oggettivi con gli armamenti: è il paese meno economicamente sviluppato dell’Unione Europea, con un pil procapite di 47 pps, purchasing power standard.

Ma gli armamenti costano e costano anche molto.

In pratica, nell’ambito Nato la Bulgaria ha barattato la propria posizione geografica contro la garanzia di essere protetta militarmente. Tuttavia un qualche armamento le risulterebbe essere necessario.


Bulgaria Will Pay the First Instalment for Repair of the MiG-29s. The Atlantic Council Disputes the Signed Contract

«Today, at a regular meeting of the Council of Ministers, the Republic of Bulgaria approved the payment of the first instalment of BGN 26 million for repair of the Bulgarian MiG-29s.

The money is foreseen in the budget of the Ministry of Defence for repair of the aircrafts in question in accordance with the signed agreement between the Bulgarian country and the Russian company RSK MiG.

In its entirety, the financing in question should provide Bulgaria with execution of the undertaken engagements for air defence and implementation of the NATO’s collective defence mechanisms and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the European Union.

Today it became clear that the contract with the Russian Federation is being disputed by the Atlantic Club. In accordance with the Organization whose members are lots of military specialists and other experts, there are particular texts that are in favour of the Russians. For example, it is left to RSK MiG to define what the deadlines for execution of the activities under the contracts will be, regardless of the priorities of the Ministry of Defence.
Aviation experts, including the president Rumen Radev, disputed the scope of the order by indicating that the purchase of new machinery shall be considered as a priority.»

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La flotta aerea della Bulgaria assomma ad otto Mig 29, aerei decrepiti, e qualche Su-25, tutti di costruzione russa.

L’idea di pensionare codesti apparecchi ed acquisirne quelli allo stato dell’arte richiederebbe fondi sicuramente non disponibili, né esistenti.

Tra l’alternativa di restare senza aeroplani militari oppure cercare di tenere in una qualche manutenzione gli aeromobili disponibili la Bulgaria ha optato per la seconda strada.

L’idea di spendere 23 milioni di euro per manutenere i Mig-29 e 41 milioni per manutenere i Su-25 rende più che bene l’idea di quanto minimali siano gli interventi.

Per i russi una simile flotta aerea non costituisce nemmeno un obiettivo militare: tenerla un po’ in sesto, tanto che possano volare, non intacca il loro sistema militare e consente loro di guadagnarsi non solo qualche soldo, ma anche di mantenere un rapporto di buon vicinato con la Bulgaria.

Il problema è invece verso gli alleati della Nato.

Bulgaria’s Soviet Jets: Trojan Horses In A NATO Air Force? – Analysis

«Bulgaria’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) has announced a tender for Russian and Belarusian state-owned companies to overhaul its Su-25 close air support aircraft, marking the latest in a decade’s worth of false starts and reversals plaguing Bulgaria’s efforts to replace aging Communist-era equipment. It also raises the question of whether US and NATO leaders are doing enough to support Bulgaria’s transition into the Western alliance. The short answer? No.»

→ Agenzia Nova. 2018-11-29. Difesa: Bulgaria, governo approva progetti per modernizzare Mig-29 e Su-25

Sofia, 29 nov 10:17 – (Agenzia Nova) – Il Consiglio dei ministri della Bulgaria ha approvato i progetti per modernizzare i vecchi Mig-29 e Su-25 di produzione sovietica, fornendo ulteriori 46 milioni di lev (circa 23 milioni di euro) per i primi mezzi e circa 82 milioni di lev (circa 41 milioni di euro) per i secondi. E’ quanto riferisce il portale d’informazione “”. Il primo progetto riguarda la manutenzione di 8 Mig-29 e sarà completato dalla società Russian Aircraft Building Corp Rsk MiG con cui il ministero della Difesa di Sofia ha siglato un accordo lo scorso mese di marzo. Il progetto dovrebbe essere completato nel 2020. Per quanto riguarda i Su-25 il progetto sarà portato avanti presso l’impianto bielorusso 558 Arp.

→ Bulgarian Military. 2018-11-29. Bulgaria’s Council of Ministers Has Approved the Investment Projects for the MiG-29 and Su-25 Repairs

SOFIA, Bulgaria ( – At today’s regular meeting, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria has approved the investment costs of the projects for the repair of the old Soviet aircraft MiG-29 and Su-25, providing additional BGN 46 million for the first and BGN 82 510 000 million for the Su-25s, learned

The investment projects for the MiG-29 and Su-25 repairs today received government approval, in accordance with the Defence and Armed Forces Act, which stipulates that when the value of a project is in excess of BGN 50 million it is approved by the Cabinet, and in excess of BGN 100 million – by the Parliament.

The first project, which has been approved, for the maintenance of the 8 MiG-29 aircraft will be completed by the Russian Aircraft Building Corp RSK MiG, with which the Bulgarian Defence Ministry has signed a framework agreement in March this year, as it is the MiG aircraft manufacturer who holds the certificate for the repair. The budget of the project cannot exceed more than BGN 81 294 416 million (without VAT) and the funds, needed for concluding specific contracts under the framework agreement with the RSK-MiG in 2018, amount to BGN 71 739 959. In this regard, the government today has granted another BGN 46 million for the MoD within this year, additional to the allocated BGN 26 000 000. The project is expected to be realized by the end of 2020.

Furthermore, the Bulgarian government has approved and the project for the Su-25 overhaul, allocating additionally up to BGN 82 510 000, for the conclusion of specific contracts with the Belarus’ 558 ARP. The procedure envisages to be secured a framework agreement, after that and the specific repair contracts depending on the needs and financial capabilities of the ministry. The funding necessary for the implementation of the project amounts up to BGN 82 510 000 (without VAT).

Read more: Bulgaria is about to Conclude the Deal for the Su-25 Overhaul with the Belarus’ “558 ARP”

The statement of the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence says that the MiG-29 and Su-25 repair will provide an opportunity the existing defence capabilities to be used in the period before Bulgaria acquires its new type of fighter and its operational readiness is declared. The additional funds, approved today, are provided at the expense of restructuring the expenditure in the Central Budget for 2018.

Read more: Bulgaria Will Pay the First Instalment for Repair of the MiG-29s. The Atlantic Council Disputes the Signed Contract

The Bulgarian Ministry of Defence emphasizes that today’s government decisions show that the funds allocated to the three projects for the modernization of the Army for 2018, will not be redirected for the fulfillment of objectives other than enhancing combat capabilities.

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