lunedì 16 luglio 2018

I credenti vivono mediamente 6.48 anni in più degli atei.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


2018-06-28__I credenti vivono mediamente 6.48 anni in più degli atei.__001

«Social Psychological and Personality Science is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers research in social and personality psychology. Its editor-in-chief is Simine Vazire (University of California, Davis). It was established in 2010 and is published by Sage Publications. The journal is jointly owned by four different societies: the Association for Research in Personality, European Association of Social Psychology, Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

The journal is abstracted and indexed in PsycINFO and Scopus. According to the Journal Citation Reports, its 2015 impact factor is 2.325, ranking it 14 out of 62 journals in the category "Psychology, Social"» [Fonte]


Quando una rivista scientifica occupa il 14° posto nella graduatoria delle sessantadue altre riviste quotate nella categoria di interesse si è guadagnata una solida posizione di autorevolezza nel mondo dei ricercatori.


Di recente dr Laura Wallance e Collaboratori sono usciti con un documentato articolo sull'aspettativa di vita delle persone credenti o non credenti.

Laura E. Wallace, Rebecca Anthony, Christian M. End, and Baldwin M. Way.

Does Religion Stave Off the Grave? Religious Affiliation in One’s Obituary and Longevity

Journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.


Self-reported religious service attendance has been linked with longevity. However, previous work has largely relied on self-report data and volunteer samples. Here, mention of a religious affiliation in obituaries was analyzed as an alternative measure of religiosity. In two samples (N = 505 from Des Moines, IA, and N = 1,096 from 42 U.S. cities), the religiously affiliated lived 9.45 and 5.64 years longer, respectively, than the nonreligiously affiliated. Additionally, social integration and volunteerism partially mediated the religion–longevity relation. In Study 2, exploratory analyses suggested that the religion–longevity association was moderated by city-level religiosity and city-level personality. In cities with low levels of trait openness, the nonreligiously affiliated had reduced longevity in highly religious cities relative to less religious cities, consistent with the religion-as-social-value hypothesis. Conversely, in cities with high levels of openness, the opposite trend was observed, suggesting a spillover effect of religion. The religiously affiliated were less influenced by these cultural factors.»

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Il risultato di interesse è questo

«the religiously affiliated lived 9.45 and 5.64 years longer, respectively, than the nonreligiously affiliated»


«The religiously affiliated were less influenced by these cultural factors»


Questo risultato indicherebbe nella religiosità uno dei più potenti mezzi per ottenere una vita media sostanzialmente più lunga rispetto la norma. Un aumento mediano di 6.48 anni è risultato di tutto rispetto: non a caso la Ohio State University ne ha fatto oggetto di un editoriale.

Se il risultato è inequivocabile, le interpretazioni del medesimo possono essere molteplici.

«The study provides persuasive evidence that there is a relationship between religious participation and how long a person lives»


«the study showed how the effects of religion on longevity might depend in part on the personality and average religiosity of the cities where people live»


«Many studies have shown that people who volunteer and participate in social groups tend to live longer than others»


«Results showed that this was only part of the reason why religious people lived longer»


«volunteerism and involvement in social organizations only accounted for a little less than one year of the longevity boost that religious affiliation provided»


«There’s still a lot of the benefit of religious affiliation that this can’t explain.»


«It may be related to the rules and norms of many religions that restrict unhealthy practices such as alcohol and drug use and having sex with many partners»


«The findings showed that a key personality element related to longevity in each city was the importance placed on conformity to community values and norms»

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«many religions that restrict unhealthy practices such as alcohol and drug use and having sex with many partners».

Tra le molte, valide e possibili, una considerazione emergerebbe di interesse generale.

La religiosità aiuta potentemente ad affrontare e superare tutte quelle situazioni dell'alterna sorte che con grande frequenza spingono all'uso degli alcolici o, peggio, delle droghe, per non parlare poi dell'instabilità affettiva che denatura il rapporto affettivo interpersonale nella ricerca di sempre nuovi partner.

The Ohio State University. 2018-06-13. One thing you’ll find in the obits of many long-living people

Religious affiliation linked to nearly 4-year longevity boost.


A new nationwide study of obituaries has found that people with religious affiliations lived nearly four years longer than those with no ties to religion.

That four-year boost – found in an analysis of more than 1,000 obits from around the country – was calculated after taking into account the sex and marital status of those who died, two factors that have strong effects on lifespan.

The boost was slightly larger (6.48 years) in a smaller study of obituaries published in a Des Moines, Iowa, newspaper.

“Religious affiliation had nearly as strong an effect on longevity as gender does, which is a matter of years of life,” said Laura Wallace, lead author of the study and a doctoral student in psychology at The Ohio State University.

The study was published online today in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

The researchers found that part of the reason for the boost in longevity came from the fact that many religiously affiliated people also volunteered and belonged to social organizations, which previous research has linked to living longer.

“The study provides persuasive evidence that there is a relationship between religious participation and how long a person lives,” said Baldwin Way, co-author of the study and associate professor of psychology at Ohio State.

In addition, the study showed how the effects of religion on longevity might depend in part on the personality and average religiosity of the cities where people live, Way said.

The first study involved 505 obituaries published in the Des Moines Register in January and February 2012. In addition to noting the age and any religious affiliation of those who died, the researchers also documented sex, marital status and the number of social and volunteer activities listed.

Results showed that those whose obit listed a religious affiliation lived 9.45 years longer than those who didn’t. The gap shrunk to 6.48 years after gender and marital status were taken into account.

The second study included 1,096 obituaries from 42 major cities in the United States published on newspaper websites between August 2010 and August 2011.

In this study, people whose obits mentioned a religious affiliation lived an average of 5.64 years longer than those whose obits did not, which shrunk to 3.82 years after gender and marital status were considered.

Many studies have shown that people who volunteer and participate in social groups tend to live longer than others. So the researchers combined data from both studies to see if the volunteer and social opportunities that religious groups offer might explain the longevity boost.

Results showed that this was only part of the reason why religious people lived longer.

“We found that volunteerism and involvement in social organizations only accounted for a little less than one year of the longevity boost that religious affiliation provided,” Wallace said. “There’s still a lot of the benefit of religious affiliation that this can’t explain.”

So what else explains how religion helps people live longer? It may be related to the rules and norms of many religions that restrict unhealthy practices such as alcohol and drug use and having sex with many partners, Way said.

In addition, “many religions promote stress-reducing practices that may improve health, such as gratitude, prayer or meditation,” he said.

The fact that the researchers had data from many cities also allowed them to investigate whether the level of religiosity in a city and a city’s “personality” could affect how religious affiliation influenced longevity.

The findings showed that a key personality element related to longevity in each city was the importance placed on conformity to community values and norms.

In highly religious cities where conformity was important, religious people tended to live longer than non-religious people.

But in some cities there is a spillover effect.

“The positive health effects of religion spill over to the non-religious in some specific situations,” Wallace said. “The spillover effect only occurs in highly religious cities that aren’t too concerned about everyone conforming to the same norms. In those areas, non-religious people tend to live as long as do religious people.”

Way said there are limitations to the study, including the fact that it could not control for important factors related to longevity such as race and health behaviors. But a potential strength was that, unlike other studies, religious affiliation was not self-reported, but was reported by the obituary writer.

Overall, the study provided additional support to the growing number of studies showing that religion does have a positive effect on health, Wallace said.

Other authors on the study were Rebecca Anthony, who is in her final year of medical school at Ohio State, and Christian End, associate professor of psychology at Xavier University.

The study was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

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