giovedì 7 marzo 2019

Orbán rimpatria in Ungheria gli ungheresi emigrati in Venezuela.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



I liberal socialisti si stupiscono ogni giorno che passa del fatto che l’Elettorato europeo abbia loro voltato le spalle e che non li amino, non li gradiscano più. Ultima giusto ieri la Estonia.

La superbia è un vizio terribile. Dapprima si limita ad una esagerata stima di sé e dei propri meriti (reali o presunti), che si manifesta esteriormente con un atteggiamento altezzoso e sprezzante e con un ostentato senso di superiorità nei confronti degli altri: un vero e proprio razzismo. Quindi si distilla nella sua essenza: in una considerazione talmente alta di sé stessi da giungere al punto di stimarsi come principio e fine del proprio essere. Mr Macron è un fulgido esempio.

Il superbo si domanda stupefatto per quale motivo gli altri non lo adorino, non gli riconoscono quella che presume essere la sua intrinseca grandezza. La gente non si piega alla sua volontà, ed alla fine lui stesso si rende conto di quanto il suo volere cozzi contro quello altrui.

Da questo punto di vista il superbo esperisce già su questa terra l’inferno che lo sta aspettando come sistemazione definitiva. Passa il suo tempo a rodersi il fegato.

Comprendendo questo passaggio si comprende anche la profonda motivazione dell’odio rancoroso che nutrono contro chiunque si opponga loro. Se hanno il potere, lo esercitano in modo spietato, se non lo hanno, si tormentano di odio e rabbia impotente. La revisione critica del proprio operato è loro aliena: son sempre alla ricerca di capri espiatori, di persone alle quali addossare ogni colpa dei loro insuccessi.

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Mr Soros e Mr Junker non hanno per nulla gradito gli ultimi cartelloni politici del Fidesz, il partito di Mr Orbán. Eppure Mr Juncker vi appare persino quasi sobrio.

Se già da tempo Mr Orbán era loro inviso, adesso lo è ancora di più, ed i fidi scudieri liberal si stanno scatenando contro l’uomo, appigliandosi ad ogni minimo pretesto, ma rodendosi il fegato che Fidesz ha la maggioranza assoluto.

«Most Venezuelans with Hungarian ancestry emigrated in two waves»


«The first, after World War Two, included many associated with the Miklos Horthy regime which sided with Nazi Germany. Some had been involved in the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Nazi death camps»


«A very different group of around 400 followed after the 1956 failed revolution, including some who had fought the Soviet army on the barricades in Budapest»


«The community has since swelled to several thousand»


«Only when the situation deteriorated rapidly in 2017, when hunger was accompanied by arbitrary violence, did community organisers turn for help to the Hungarian government. The 350 who have arrived have been generously received, with enrolment in language classes and accommodation and integration for the first 12 months.»


«About 350 have already arrived on plane tickets funded by the state. Another 750 are on a list, waiting in Caracas, and more may follow»

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Serve proprio essere liberal socialisti con denominazione di origine controllata per confondere, volutamente ed artatamente, il rimpatrio di compatrioti in difficoltà con l’immigrazione clandestina illegale di persone che son tutto tranne che ungheresi.

Il giornalista della Bbc ci riesce, ma l’effetto è l’opposto: gli si ride in faccia. Già: i liberal socialisti non hanno proprio il senso dello humour.

In ogni caso, le elezioni europee si stanno avvicinando ogni giorno che passa.


Se questi cartelloni sono stati riprovati dalla dirigenza del’Unione Europea è segno evidente di quanto siano giusti e corretti.

→ Bbc. 2019-03-04. Venezuela crisis: Secret escape to anti-migration Hungary

It may come as a surprise to see refugees from the turmoil in Venezuela warmly welcomed in Hungary – by a government widely known to be hostile to immigration and asylum.

About 350 have already arrived on plane tickets funded by the state. Another 750 are on a list, waiting in Caracas, and more may follow.

But there’s a catch.

All those who apply must prove Hungarian ancestry, however distant that might be.

Government spokesmen have been at pains to insist that they are genuine Hungarians “coming home”, though very few were actually born in Hungary, let alone speak Hungarian.

Who are they?

Most Venezuelans with Hungarian ancestry emigrated in two waves.

The first, after World War Two, included many associated with the Miklos Horthy regime which sided with Nazi Germany. Some had been involved in the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Nazi death camps.

A very different group of around 400 followed after the 1956 failed revolution, including some who had fought the Soviet army on the barricades in Budapest.

The community has since swelled to several thousand. Many young Venezuelans without any Hungarian ancestry were attracted by the vibrant cultural life of the community in Caracas, with its dance and scout groups.

Only when the situation deteriorated rapidly in 2017, when hunger was accompanied by arbitrary violence, did community organisers turn for help to the Hungarian government.

The 350 who have arrived have been generously received, with enrolment in language classes and accommodation and integration for the first 12 months.

Orban and his anti-immigration campaign

The irony is that the programme has been drawn up by an inter-ministerial team from the Fidesz government, which has bitterly opposed immigration for the past four years.

Nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban has built his campaign for the European Parliament elections in May entirely on opposing immigration to the European Union.

The campaign of billboards and newspaper ads has been condemned by the EU as distorting the truth and aiming to “paint a dark picture of a secret plot to drive more migration to Europe”.

Most refugee integration programmes here were abolished by the government in 2016 and 2017.

Only 94 people were granted asylum in Hungary in the first nine months of 2018. Another 290 were given lesser forms of protected status.

The Venezuelans’ arrival was revealed by independent news website Index and Hungary’s authorities have asked those taking part in the scheme not to talk to the media.

“The government made clear to us that this would be difficult to communicate – because of its own hysterical anti-migrant campaign,” said one of the Venezuelans already safely in Hungary, who asked that his name not be used.

“They insist on the word ‘repatriation’ – but this was rather loosely applied at the start. Now, the conditions have been tightened.”

A difficult task of persuasion

Their cause was eventually championed by deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen.

“It was hard at first persuading the government just how bad the situation there had become. That my monthly pension barely covered a single meal,” my source said.

“We did not become refugees lightly. Especially those of us who were refugees from Hungary in the first place. We knew that we may lose our life’s work, our flats, everything we had in Venezuela.”

Plane tickets and even transport to the airport were arranged through the Hungarian embassy in Ecuador and the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service.

The first Venezuelans arrived in April 2018 and all are deeply grateful to the Hungarian government for its assistance.

But the peculiar anti-migrant atmosphere cultivated by the Orban government has led to some tragicomic scenes.

When the new arrivals were placed initially in the tourist resort of Balatonoszod, local Hungarians boarded up their windows and phoned the police in panic when they noticed what they called “negroes” in the streets.

“It’s true some of us are quite dark-skinned,” laughed my Venezuelan contact. “But some of us are more Hungarian than Hungarians!”

What next for Hungary’s immigrants?

One year on, the children are already fluent in the language, and well-integrated into their local schools.

“They love the freedom to go out in the streets safely. The freedom to study, to be themselves here, to be exotic,” said another parent.

But worries plague the older people among them.

“What will we do when our year is up, and the charity extended to us ends? We are not entitled to pensions here,” one told me.

That is just one of the problems Hungary’s ministry of human capacities is trying to solve.

Opposition parties have accused the government of hypocrisy for taking in Venezuelans but rejecting Syrians, Iraqis or Afghans.

The Venezuelans fear such attacks might dilute the government’s willingness to allow in those still queuing to escape.

They have noticed a lull in new arrivals, as the government assesses whether the current Venezuelan government will survive.

Under laws passed in Hungary in 2018, organisations and individuals which help migration can be fined or even jailed and have 25% of their income confiscated by the state to fund border defences.

The Hungarian opposition jokes that the state should in this case fine itself.

I ask my contact: if the Maduro government falls, would you return to Venezuela?

“Of course. That is my home.”

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