venerdì 29 marzo 2019

Maiali. Come si constata, basta un semplice virus per generare un putifarre.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Mentre i nostri amici tedeschi si dilettano a questionare sulla dolorosa sorte dei maiali da allevamento

Germania. Divisa sulla castrazione dei maiali.

la sorte, che ben poco si cura delle parole umane ma è sensibilissima ai fatti,ha posto in atto l’epidemia di febbre dei suini africani.


Per i più accorti anche le epidemie suine sono ottima fonte di guadagno. In meno di un mese l’Etfs è schizzato da 1.201 a 2.2585: un guadagno ragionevole.

Quel virus screanzato non si è minimamente curato di attendere che i politici si riunissero a consesso, capissero cosa stesse succedendo, consultassero consulenti e pigliassero una qualche decisione.

Ma le mozioni di intenti non fermano certo un virus agguerrito. È il virus a dettare condizioni e tempi: per l’intanto sta massacrando gli allevamenti.

Se è problema lo schizzare dei prezzi all’ingrosso, si corre anche il rischio di mangiare carne infetta.

Sta succedendo un putifarre: ricostituire gli allevamenti richiederà anni di investimenti e tempo.

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«African swine fever is a viral disease of pigs and wild boar that is usually deadly. There are neither vaccines nor cures. For this reason, it has serious socio-economic consequences in affected countries. Humans are not susceptible to the disease.

The typical signs of African swine fever are similar to classical swine fever, and the two diseases normally have to be distinguished by laboratory diagnosis. Symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, lack of energy, abortions, internal bleeding, with haemorrhages visible on the ears and flanks. Sudden death may occur. Severe strains of the virus are generally fatal (death occurs within 10 days). Animals infected with mild strains of African swine fever virus may not show typical clinical signs.» [Efsa]


Analysis of hunting statistics collection frameworks for wild boar across Europe and proposals for improving the harmonisation of data collection

Epidemiological analyses of African swine fever in the European Union (November 2017 until November 2018)

Understanding ASF spread and emergency control concepts in wild boar populations using individual‐based modelling and spatio‐temporal surveillance data

Latest developments on African swine fever

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«In September 2018, an outbreak occurred in wild boars in Southern Belgium. Professional observers suspected importation of wild boars from Eastern European countries by game hunters being the origin of the virus. By the 4th of October, 32 wild boars had tested positive for the virus. For control of the outbreak, 4,000 domestic pigs were slaughtered preventively in the Gaume region, and the forest was declared off-limits for recreation. »

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Lean Hogs Moving in the Market

«Lean hog prices have been on a run in recent weeks given the turbulence building in China due to African swine fever.»


→ Usda. 2019-03-18. African Swine Fever (ASF)

Why is African Swine Fever a Concern?

ASF is a devastating, deadly disease that would have a significant impact on U.S. livestock producers, their communities and the economy if it were found here. There is no treatment or vaccine available for this disease. The only way to stop this disease is to depopulate all affected or exposed swine herds.

USDA is working closely with other federal and state agencies, the swine industry, and producers to take the necessary actions to protect our nation’s pigs and keep this disease out. This group is also actively preparing to respond if ASF were ever detected in the U.S.

What Producers and Veterinarians Need to Know

Anyone who works with pigs should be familiar with the signs of ASF:

    High fever

    Decreased appetite and weakness

    Red, blotchy skin or skin lesions

    Diarrhea and vomiting

    Coughing and difficulty breathing

Immediately report animals with any of these signs to state or federal animal health officials or call USDA’s toll-free number at 1-866-536-7593 for appropriate testing and investigation. Timeliness is essential to preventing the spread of ASF.

On-farm biosecurity is crucial to preventing any animal disease from developing and spreading. All pig owners and anyone involved with pig operations should know and follow strict biosecurity practices to help protect U.S. pigs from ASF. Work with your veterinarian to assess your biosecurity plans and make improvements as needed.

What Travelers Need to Know

International travelers could unknowingly bring back this disease from an ASF-affected country, especially if they visit farms. Visit the APHIS traveler page to know which items you can bring back into the United States. Some food items may carry disease and threaten domestic agriculture and livestock. If you go to an ASF-affected country, do not bring back pork or pork products.

Declare any international farm visits to U.S. Customs and Border Protection when you return. Make sure you thoroughly clean and disinfect, or dispose of, any clothing or shoes that you wore around pigs, before returning to the U.S. Do not visit a farm, premises with pigs, livestock market, sale barn, zoo, circus, pet store with pot-bellied pigs, or any other animal facility with pigs for at least 5 days after you return.


We have many resources available to help spread the word about how to prevent ASF.

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