domenica 10 marzo 2019

Belt & Road e l’Africa. Puntualizzazione di China Org.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



China Org è organo di stampa del Governo cinese.

I nuovi enormi investimenti della Cina in Africa

Cina. Consolida il suo impero in Africa.

«The Chinese-proposed Belt and Road Initiative could transform Africa’s economy»


«Belt and Road Initiative is a game changer because it has made African countries start thinking beyond their national borders»


«What the Chinese have done is to galvanize the imagination of people to think regionally through cross border infrastructure projects»


«that the initiative provides an alternative to the traditional financing models offered by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which peg their credit on the size of economy of the recipient countries»

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La politica estera cinese risente in pieno il fatto che la Cina sia stata potenza imperiale per 5,000 anni.

Mentre l’Occidente tende a vedere i rapporti internazionali nell’ottica di esportare la propria Weltanschauung, spesso imponendola ed altrettanto frequentemente ponendo questo vincolo come non contrattabile, una visione statalista nella sua essenza. La visione imperiale cinese, simile a quella romana o del Sacro Romano Impero, tende a rispettare in modo paritetico gli interlocutori, con i quali ingaggia progetti economicamente vantaggiosi per ambo le parti.

Come i romani ben si guardavano dal sopprimere religioni e credenze, usi e costumi locali delle provincie, così anche i cinesi. La non ingerenza nei problemi interni è una norma plurimillenaria di collaudata efficacia.

Quanti non la rispettino, prima o poi falliscono.

→ China Org. 2019-03-08. Belt and Road Initiative could transform Africa’s economy: expert

The Chinese-proposed Belt and Road Initiative could transform Africa’s economy, economic analyst said on Thursday.

James Shikwati, director of Inter Region Economic Network (IREN), a think tank, told Xinhua in Nairobi that Belt and Road Initiative is a game changer because it has made African countries start thinking beyond their national borders.

“What the Chinese have done is to galvanize the imagination of people to think regionally through cross border infrastructure projects,” Shikwati said during the release of the Metropol 2019 Kenya Economic Outlook.

He urged African countries that are along the route of Belt and Road Initiative to use it to uplift their communities.

“It is up to African governments to put in place measures to ensure that they leverage the opportunities provided by Belt and Road Initiative to accelerate their country’s economic development,” he added.

He observed that the initiative provides an alternative to the traditional financing models offered by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which peg their credit on the size of economy of the recipient countries.

He noted that the Chinese are able to finance projects based on the long term needs of a country.

According to IREN, African countries have a huge infrastructure financing gap that cannot be met solely through public resources.

Shikwati added that African countries will only develop if they are willing to take financing risks to fund their development projects.

He revealed that Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s development project, dubbed the Big Four Agenda on food security, manufacturing, universal healthcare and affordable housing could also benefit immensely from the Belt and Road Initiative. 

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