lunedì 27 maggio 2019

Da sapere (perché Formigli non lo dirà) : Germania. Nel 2018 le ‘risorse’ immigrate sono costate 23 miliardi.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Macellaio Romano Plebe 001

«A pensar male si fa peccato, ma ci si azzecca quasi sempre»

Così diceva quell’uomo di grande esperienza umana che fu Giulio Andreotti. Forse, il termine ‘quasi‘ potrebbe essere considerato di troppo.

«Germany spent a record 23 billion euros ($25.65 billion) last year on helping to integrate more than one million refugees and fighting the root causes of migration abroad»


«That marks an increase of nearly 11 percent on the 20.8 billion euros that Germany spent in the previous year, the document prepared by the Finance Ministry showed»


«The government spent a total of 7.9 billion euros in 2018 on measures aimed at keeping migrants outside the European Union and improving living conditions in their home countries – a 16 percent increase compared with 20»

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Pensare male, constatare la realtà dei fatti: cose disdicevoli agli occhi degli ideologizzati.

Ideologizzati o cointeressati?

Se in questa Europa si potesse dire la verità senza essere poi condannati all’ostracismo, si dovrebbe ammettere che gli immigrati sono una delle più costose ‘risorse‘ della Germania.

Venti e passa miliardi ogni anno che Dio manda su questa povera terra. Venti miliardi cavati a forza dalle tasche dei contribuenti.


Ma come sono spesi?

Il Signor Simplicio direbbe sommesso: ‘Per il progresso culturale e l’integrazione dei migranti‘.

Ma lo spirito di Giulio ci direbbe in un orecchio: ‘Per mantenere tutte le persone che riempiono gli organici delle organizzazioni governative e caritative che dovrebbero istruire ed integrare i migranti che sono in Germania migrati.’

Un esercito di quasi mezzo milione di persone che vivono e prendono lo stipendio per il solo fatto che ci sono i migranti.

Non ci fossero più, oppure quelli arrivati alla fine si integrassero, lo scopo del loro lavoro verrebbe meno e sarebbero licenziati. Orrore e raccapriccio!!

‘Costly welcome party at citizens’ expense’: Refugees and migrants cost Germany €23 billion in 2018

«Describing the circumstances as “extraordinary,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel rolled out the welcome mat to over a million migrants in 2015, at the height of the Syrian refugee crisis. Although arrivals have dropped sharply since then, the German government’s spending has not.»


Siamo chiari. I migranti sono un di più, alle volte anche noiosamente inopportuni.

«Although arrivals have dropped sharply since then,

the German government’s spending has not.»

Ciò che conta è mantenere l’esercito dei prebendari fedeli ossequiosi: votano tutti per Frau Merkel.

Reuters. 2019-05-21. Germany spends record 23 bln euros on refugees: document

Germany spent a record 23 billion euros ($25.65 billion) last year on helping to integrate more than one million refugees and fighting the root causes of migration abroad, a government document seen by Reuters showed on Monday.

That marks an increase of nearly 11 percent on the 20.8 billion euros that Germany spent in the previous year, the document prepared by the Finance Ministry showed.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and her ministers will discuss the government’s annual report on refugee and integration costs during their regular cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

Merkel has repeatedly defended her 2015 decision to leave German borders open to hundreds of thousands of war refugees, mainly from Muslim countries, as a humanitarian necessity, but has since vowed to prevent a repeat of such mass migration by tackling its causes.

The government spent a total of 7.9 billion euros in 2018 on measures aimed at keeping migrants outside the European Union and improving living conditions in their home countries – a 16 percent increase compared with 2017.

Germany’s 16 states, which are mainly in charge of housing and integrating the arrivals from countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, received 7.5 billion euros from the federal government last year, according to the report. This marked an increase of 14 percent on the year.

Alice Weidel, parliamentary leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), criticized Merkel’s government for spending billions on refugees, saying: “This is a costly welcome party at the expense of citizens.”

Annette Widmann-Mauz, minister of state for migration, refugees and integration, said Weidel’s comments were “stupid” and in bad taste.

“Fighting the causes of migration, which makes up a large part of the total spending, is just as much in our interest as investing in successful integration,” Widmann-Mauz told Reuters.

“Whoever dismisses humanitarian protection as a party has understood nothing at all,” she added.

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