domenica 5 maggio 2019

Germania. 54.1% non vuole i migranti.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Mendicanti 012 Pietr Brueghel. Ciechi che guidano ciechi. Louvre

La Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) – Foundation for Social Democracy! è la mente pensante della socialdemocrazia tedesca.

«The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is the oldest political foundation in Germany with a rich tradition in social democracy dating back to its foundation in 1925. The foundation owes its formation and its mission to the political legacy of its namesake Friedrich Ebert, the first democratically elected German President.

The work of our political foundation focuses on the core ideas and values of social democracy – freedom, justice and solidarity. This connects us to social democracy and free trade unions. As a non-profit institution, we organise our work autonomously and independently.»

Similmente, il Deutsche Welle è l’organo di stampa della socialdemocrazia: usualmente assume posizioni così di sinistra da far sembrare Lenin un agit-prop del capitalismo selvaggio.

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Si resta quindi stupefatti a leggere dapprima il titolo e quindi l’articolo:

Germans increasingly hostile towards asylum-seekers.

Il titolo del The New York Times è eloquente:, e sembrerebbe quasi uscito in contemporanea.

Study Finds Germans Increasingly Hostile to Asylum-Seekers

«BERLIN — A study has found that Germans are increasingly hostile toward asylum-seekers, whereas prejudices toward other minorities such as homeless or gay people have declined.

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which commissioned the survey, said Thursday that 54.1% of respondents expressed negative opinions about asylum-seekers, up from 49.5% in 2016 and 44% in 2014.

Germany saw a significant increase in migrant arrivals in 2016, with almost 746,000 people seeking asylum that year. Numbers have since declined again, with about 186,000 asylum requests last year.

The representative telephone survey, which is conducted every two years, involved 1,890 respondents and took place between September and February.

The study also examined for the first time how receptive Germans are to conspiracy theories. It found about that 46% of respondents believed secret organizations influence political decision-making.»

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«More than half of Germans view asylum-seekers in a negative light»


«Prejudice against the newcomers has grown even as fewer migrants come to Germany»


«Right-wing populist attitudes have become “normal” in Germany’s mainstream»


«The latest study …. shows that a record 54.1% of the respondents across Germany now hold a negative view of asylum-seekers.»


«these attitudes are more common in former East Germany, which is now home to less than a quarter of the country’s population — 63% to the West’s 51%.»


«A part of the population does not live up to their own values»


«almost one quarter of the survey participants believe that the media is in cahoots with German politicians»

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Nulla da eccepire sui numeri.

Chiunque avesse avuto una conoscenza sia pur superficiale della Germania attuale avrebbe stimato ben oltre il 54% la quota di popolazione avversa all’immigrazione.

Né si resta sorpresi come un quarto degli intervistati ritenga che i media siano in combutta con i politici.

Si noti infine la penultima frase riportata.

Il giornale liberal da semplicemente per scontato che i propri ‘valori‘ siano quelli giusti e veri, mentre quelli degli altri altro non siano che degenerazioni ‘illiberal‘.

È questa alterigia mentale, questa arroganza suppositiva, il motivo per il quale i liberal stanno declinando: incapaci di sottoporsi a revisione critica, impermeabili ad ogni forma di dialogo costruttivo paritetico, non si arrendono nemmeno quando si ritrovino ad essere la minoranza. La loro matrice culturale rivoluzionaria giacobina arde sempre, sia pur sotto le ceneri.

Deutsche Welle. 2019-04-25. Germans increasingly hostile towards asylum-seekers

More than half of Germans view asylum-seekers in a negative light, a new study shows. Prejudice against the newcomers has grown even as fewer migrants come to Germany.


Right-wing populist attitudes have become “normal” in Germany’s mainstream, said authors of a new study presented by the left-wing  Friedrich-Ebert Foundation in Berlin on Thursday.

“The center is losing its footing and its democratic orientation,” researchers said.

The foundation has released reports on right-wing extremism since 2002. The latest study, conducted by a group of researchers from Bielefeld University, shows that a record 54.1% of the respondents across Germany now hold a negative view of asylum-seekers.

Trouble in the east

The numbers are higher now than they were ahead of the refugee crisis in 2014, when 44% of Germans expressed concerns about the group. In 2016, after the peak of the migration wave, the survey showed 49.5% of people were negative on asylum-seekers.

According to the study presented on Thursday, these attitudes are more common in former East Germany, which is now home to less than a quarter of the country’s population — 63% to the West’s 51%. The survey also shows that the level of prejudice has grown even as fewer people applied for asylum in Germany.

Voters of Germany’s AfD party are also much more likely to resent minority groups and nurse extreme right-wing positions.

Democracy vs. illiberal attitudes

The survey included 1,890 participants across Germany who had responded to interviewers’ questions by telephone between September 2018 and February 2019.

On Friday, Bielefeld University researcher Wilhelm Berghan said that the majority of the participants praise democracy and democratic values.

At the same time, many of them hold illiberal ideas about democracy and animosity towards asylum-seekers.

“A part of the population does not live up to their own values,” Berghan said.

Gut feeling and experts

Nearly one in every five Germans (19%) has a negative outlook on foreigners in general. The same percentage is critical towards Muslims, and even more (26%) view Sinti and Roma groups in a negative light.

At the same time, Germans are now more inclined to accept LGBT people and the homeless than before. They are also more likely to reject sexism.

Half of all Germans admit to being led by their own feelings more than by experts’ views. Also, almost one quarter of the survey participants believe that the media is in cahoots with German politicians.

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