martedì 16 aprile 2019

Germania. VW fa fagotto e se ne va in Cina.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Fagotto 001

Verrebbe da domandarsi cosa abbia fatto di male l’industria automobilistica alla Große Koalition di Frau Merkel. Se si dovesse prestare attenzione a quello che dicono i calunniatori cronici, Daimler, VW e Bmw avrebbero ridotto in modo consistente i finanziamenti a quei partiti, ma nessuno si sognerebbe mai di prestar fede ad illazioni di tal fatta.

Germania. Nuova legge sulle emissioni e metà delle VW non vi rientrano.

Germania. VW e Ford annunciano decine di migliaia di licenziamenti e chiusure.

Germania. Eutanasia di un sistema socio-economico. – Reuters.

Germania. Estesi alle autostrade i divieti ai motori diesel.

Germania. Produzione auto -4.1%, insolvenze +5.7%.

Germania. Ordini Industria -4.2%, -8.4% a/a.

Volkswagen taglia 30,000 posti di lavoro.

Industria automobilistica. Potrebbe lasciare a breve la Germania.

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Le industrie automobilistiche tedesche sono multinazionali con interessi su tutto il mondo. La Germania è sicuramente la loro patria natia, ma essa conta solo per una percentuale, anche piuttosto piccola, del loro fatturato. Questa Germania non ha la possibilità di imporre le proprie regole al mondo, che guarda molto perplesso i loro contorsionismi ideologici.

Di certo, nessuna industria automobilistica prova il desiderio di suicidarsi.

Sembrerebbe quasi che l’esempio della Fiat che ha abbandonato l’Italia per andare negli Stati Uniti  non abbia insegnato nulla a nessuno.

Merkel. Dieselgate. Di masochismo si può anche morire.

Der Spiegel prospetta ‘associazione per delinquere’ per le automobili tedesche.

Mercedes in Russia, inaugurata la fabbrica a Mosca

Mercedes localizza la produzione in Russia

Gli immensi cimiteri della Volkswagen. 300,000 auto invendute.

Germania, Russia e sanzioni. VW amplierà il mega impianto a Mosca.


Un tempo fuggirono dalla Germania gli Ebrei, adesso l’industria automobilistica.

«CEO Diess plans to allocate more development work to China»


«A year into his tenure, Volkswagen AG Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess is entering critical months as he seeks to craft a review of the carmaker’s sprawling Chinese operations while containing tensions at home in Germany»


«China emerged as a powerhouse of the automotive industry»


«The country is expanding its role as a production hub and VW will also allocate more research and development operations to China»


«The Chinese auto market is in a critical transformation phase as the period of strong growth over more than two decades»


«The need is evident as China accounts for 40 percent of the VW group’s global deliveries and a large chunk of profit»


«The robust Chinese profits contrast with squeezed returns at home in Europe, where regulators embarked on a fresh round of tighter emissions limits»


«VW is pushing for deeper cuts in its German workforce to meet regional targets and free up more funds for future technologies»


«VW’s woes in Europe, highlighted by costly struggles to adopt stricter emission tests»

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La Germania si è imposta leggi e regolamenti così severi ed utopici che l’industria se ne fugge via.

Si ripete la storia della Fiat che è scappata a gambe levate dall’Italia.

Bloomberg. 2019-04-15. Volkswagen CEO Plots Major China Push as Trouble Looms at Home

– CEO Diess plans to allocate more development work to China

– Diess says all three Chinese ventures to benefit from push


A year into his tenure, Volkswagen AG Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess is entering critical months as he seeks to craft a review of the carmaker’s sprawling Chinese operations while containing tensions at home in Germany.

“China emerged as a powerhouse of the automotive industry,” Diess told reporters late Sunday at a presentation near Shanghai. The country is expanding its role as a production hub and VW will also allocate more research and development operations to China, he said.

China plays a key role for the world’s biggest automaker because of VW’s large footprint in a market that’s set to lead the industry’s shift toward electric vehicles, Diess said.

“As a brand, we want to be number one in terms of electric mobility in China and beyond,” he said. Last month, Diess indicated that VW is considering the option of increasing stakes in local joint ventures to expand in the world’s largest auto market, part of a strategy review due to be completed by early next year.

His chances of boosting VW’s equity ties in China may be the best yet as Chinese authorities ease restrictions for foreign manufacturers and slowing market growth adds pressure on local peers. “All three joint ventures will benefit” as VW intends to “do more with all of them,” Diess said on Sunday.

‘Transforming Changes’

VW has ties with SAIC Motor Corp. and FAW Car Co., two of China’s largest manufacturers, after being one of the first foreign automakers to arrive in China more than three decades ago. Diess recently praised the two joint ventures as group leaders in productivity, quality and profitability.

“The Chinese auto market is in a critical transformation phase as the period of strong growth over more than two decades nears its end,” said Stefan Bratzel, a researcher at the Center of Automotive Management in Germany. “The transforming changes will come with a consolidation of the domestic industry in China.”

As part of the strategy review, VW is exploring options to acquire a stake in its third partner Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp., which is much smaller than SAIC or FAW. Any broader initiative would still have to involve those two as well.

“We have a lot to offer — and together we can be the strongest alliance in the industry,” Diess told the company’s staff newspaper in March. “This is a great opportunity for us and we need to take advantage of it.”

China Profits

The need is evident as China accounts for 40 percent of the VW group’s global deliveries and a large chunk of profit. The two main joint ventures raked in double-digit pretax profit margins in 2018 for another year despite the market’s decline, according to a presentation published on the corporate website.

The robust Chinese profits contrast with squeezed returns at home in Europe, where regulators embarked on a fresh round of tighter emissions limits. VW is pushing for deeper cuts in its German workforce to meet regional targets and free up more funds for future technologies.

VW’s woes in Europe, highlighted by costly struggles to adopt stricter emission tests and delayed vehicle projects like the next-generation Golf hatchback, reignited tension with powerful German labor leaders. Diess, 60, didn’t address the domestic wrangling on Sunday, while saying the newly unveiled I.D. Roomzz full-size electric SUV “embodies the transformation of our company.”

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