martedì 23 aprile 2019

Clima. La pacifica dimostrazione di Londra conta già 1,065 arresti.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Dimostrazione in Piazza 001

«Climate group Extinction Rebellion has targeted sites in central London, such as Oxford Circus and Parliament Square, in a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience with the aim of stopping what it calls a global climate crisis.»


«Police said 1,065 people had been arrested in connection with the protests, and they had charged 53 with offences including obstructing the highway»


«Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg addressed crowds at Marble Arch on Sunday, urging them to never give up their campaign to save the planet.»

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Gli attivisti del Climate group Extinction Rebellion godono di alcune invidiabili caratteristiche.

Poniamoci alcune domande.

– Mantenere circa ventimila giovani studenti per due settimane a Londra (1,400 euro x 20,00 = 28 milioni euro.

– Ventimila biglietti aerei andata – ritorno verso e da Londra sarà costato circa 14 milioni di euro.

Domandiamoci quindi: chi ha finanziato codesta operazione? In fondo, 28 + 14 = 42 milioni di euro.


Essendo retrogradi oscurantisti, si era rimasti ai tempi in cui i ragazzini, gli studenti,  andavano a scuola. Come la si mette allora con questi dimostranti? Perderanno l’anno scolastico?

E che dire di Miss Greta Thunberg: per quella la scuola non esiste?

E se alla fine, per beffa del destino, avesse ragione il Deutsche Welle, tempio mondiale dei liberal socialisti, quando afferma:

Germany’s climate activism is full of hypocrisy


Reuters. 2019-04-22. Arrests at London climate-change protests top 1,000

The number of environmental campaigners arrested during eight days of direct action in London topped 1,000 on Monday, police said, adding that Waterloo Bridge, one of the sites blockaded by the protests, had re-opened to traffic.

Climate group Extinction Rebellion has targeted sites in central London, such as Oxford Circus and Parliament Square, in a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience with the aim of stopping what it calls a global climate crisis.

Police said 1,065 people had been arrested in connection with the protests, and they had charged 53 with offences including obstructing the highway.

Oxford Circus and Parliament Square were re-opened to traffic on Sunday, they said, while Waterloo Bridge was cleared overnight.

Police had appealed to activists to move to Marble Arch, where they are allowing protests to continue.

Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg addressed crowds at Marble Arch on Sunday, urging them to never give up their campaign to save the planet.

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